10 Nov 12 signs telling you that you’re a backpacker
You might think you’re not a backpacker. You know, that person that shares a dorm with 10 other people they’ve never met before? That person who can never remember what their actual home address is and can live on pasta and rice for a week if they have to.
But maybe you do have it in you and you just don’t know about it yet. Time to put it to the test. If you recognise at least 6 of the statements below, you may want to consider yourself as a true backpacker!
1. You can say hello and goodbye in at least 8 different languages
2. Love it or hate it, you know what Khao San road is
3. You have a flip flop tan-line on your feet
4. You don’t mind taking a cold shower as long as they have WIFI
Did you know that 40 procent of backpackers choose Europe for shorter trips?
5. You can sleep anywhere. At the airport, in the bus, on a plane and on a boat.
Backpackers sleep everywhere!
6. Your passport has never looked so colourful and you run out of pages.
7. You boycott the Lonely Planet. You create your own route by trusting the locals!
8. You wear a lucky travel bracelet (yes, also if you’re a man)
Fellow backpackers give each other lucky bracelets
9. Finding a half empty shampoo bottle is like finding gold.
10. You’ve surfed and caught a wave once, and now you’re addicted.
Once caught in the virus..
11. You spent most of your Christmases on a beach.
12. You start to wear those comfortable wide pants that you swore you would never wear. (guilty!)
So, are you true a backpacker at heart?
Want more travel tips? Check here!
Posted at 22:08h, 12 March!!!!!!!
Skye Class
Posted at 22:48h, 05 AprilI need to rectify 8 and 11 for myself, but otherwise the rest are spot on! I once read an article that said you know you’re a backpacker if you can get a hot shower. I’ve had times when I was happy to get any shower. Sometimes you trek through the wilderness, sometimes the plumbing doesn’t work, and sometimes that 2-day bus/train/plane/hitchhiking ride just gets way too dusty.
Lauren Rote
Posted at 23:04h, 05 AprilI don’t think i am quite there yet, but it wont be long!! And I cant wait!
Posted at 16:22h, 28 MayHey travelers,
Yup some of them!
i never traveled outside morocco ! but it will not be long i hope so
Barbara Schriek
Posted at 14:08h, 28 Decemberhell yeah! I’m going for my first backpacking trip in april. Finally! Off to Thailand 🙂
Posted at 18:06h, 05 JanuaryCool, enjoy girl!
Posted at 13:47h, 21 MarchYes, yes and yes. I recognise myself in each and every point. Hardcore traveller.