Save money whilst traveling

7 ways to save money whilst traveling

Traveling is great, but it’s even better when you can save money whilst doing it! So what are the best ways to save some cash?

We’ve got 7 tips and tricks lined up for you so you can save money whilst traveling the world!

1. Find a job overseas 

The possibilities are endless! Find yourself a job abroad and work for a few weeks or months. For example; if you work in Australia as a landscaper for 3 months, 6 days a week, you can earn about 25.000 dollars! That’s more then enough to last you a full year of travel in south east Asia!
These are some jobs that you could look into:

  • Au pair (I worked as an Au-Pair in London)
  • Bartender
  • Hostel worker
  • Landscaper/farmworker
  • Waitress/Waiter
  • Farm worker (Very popular in Australia and New Zealand)
  • Dive instructor (Some certification required)
  • Tour guide
  • Cruise ship worker
  • Casino worker
  • Seasonal worker at ski resorts (if you got a talent, use it!)
  • Yacht Worker

Extra tip » You can also start wwoofing. Meaning, you will work on a farm and get a bed and food. This is great if your passing through.

Saving money while sleeping
Saving money while you sleep.. (pic by David Stegenga)

2. Couchsurfing

It’s free and you meet new people! If you’re a little hesitant about sleeping on someones couch, here’s a success story; I know this couple that did this in Perth, Australia and they ended up in a huge house, had a private room and the owner took them to the most amazing places! The best thing was, that they didn’t need a pay a thing for their stay. (just their food) Check

Always keep an eye out for those travel deals. This will save you a lot of Money

3. Always look out for those travel deals (because they are there)

Flight deals, Boat deals, Hotel deals. It doesn’t really matter what kind of deal it is, just keep an eye out. Check airline websites and sign yourself up for their loyalty program. Flying to Australia once can give you up to 70.000 miles which you can use to buy other flights!

4. Prepare your own meals

This is something I learned whilst backpacking through Australia. Food can be expensive and if you’re going to sleep in hostels, the’re always kitchens you can use. When I stayed in Sydney, I met a group of backpackers and we always use to cook together. I was lucky to have a chef in the group that prepared the most amazing dishes which cost us about 4 Australian dollars per person. You can also buy a bag of rice which last you for at least 2 weeks and skip the meat and fish for a few days. Veggies aren’t so expensive and you can buy them cheaper on the markets. In Australia you will see BBQ’s alongside the beaches and parks where you can prepare your meals. Just make sure you clean up after yourself. Extra tip » Cut down on the alcohol. Yes, alcohol can cost you more money than food will and let’s be honest, a headache isn’t so nice either.

lunch box
Preparing your own meals is healthy and saves you money!

5. Hitchhike

Now don’t get me wrong, this is not something I advise you to do in all countries or as a solo female traveler. BUT, I’ve done it in European countries and it has taken me the extra mile to the village or town I needed to go. Besides that, I’ve listened to the most amazing life stories in the car of strangers and always got to my destination safely. Just use your common sense and get in a car with a couple, families or older people.

Always trust your intuition when you go hitchhiking

6. Get a discount card

If you’re a student a teacher or under 26 years old? Use it! It’s the best status you can have when you travel. It gives you a lot of discounts on food, activities and more. The same applies for a tourist card. Like you, I don’t really like the “tourist” term but if it opens doors, it’s always a good thing right? Tourist cards especially help if you are visiting a city. It gives you discounts on museums and big attractions and for public transport. Check the nearest tourist office for more information on how to get one.

Cities like New York offer great discounts!

7. Housesit

This is probably the best tip if you know you’re going to stay in one place for a while. If you can’t afford a hotel, this is a very good option to look into. It’s simple; just watch someones house while they’re on vacation. You’ll be surprised about how many people do this as it makes their house unattractive for burglars. Check these sites for more info about house sitting:

» House Carers
» Mind My House
The Caretaker Gazette

They say that travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer… I guess it can be true..literally! Have fun saving money!



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