03 Jun Amsterdam Event Calendar for June
Hey June! Are you going to give Amsterdam some sunshine or what?! Never mind the weather, we have a lot of events this month to concentrate on. Let’s see what’s on and where we think you should go this month.
Taste of Amsterdam
When? 2nd – 5th of June, Amstelpark
What? Quality food festival
Meet chefs, get a cooking workshop, eat the best oysters and enjoy a feast of quality food all into one place. Taste of Amsterdam is back this year and never fails to impress. Tickets are €12,- and kids until the age of 16 are free. For opening times and more info check: tasteofamsterdam.com
Amsterdam Kookt (Amsterdam Cooks)
When? 2nd – 5th of June , Oosterpark
What? Foodfestival and music, free entree!
Yes, more food this weekend. Amsterdam Kookt was held in the Olympisch stadion last year but has now moved to the Oosterpark which is much nicer in our opinion. Foodtrucks, pop-up restaurants, music performances and more. Check out the Hotel Arena pop-up restaurant which will give you a taste of what’s about to come at the end of summer when the real restaurant opens. No tickets needed, the festival is free! www.amsterdamkookt.nl
Summer Nights in Artis
When? June – July – Aug, Artis Zoo
What? Saturday evenings in the Zoo until the sun goes down, free entree!
Artis Zoo let’s people enjoy Saturday evening until the sun goes down by opening up their doors to the public for free. There will be performances, music, storytellers and you can learn about the animals and their nightly activities. Check the website for more info
Benches collective
When? 5th of June, worldwide!
What? The largest open-air cafe in the world
If you have a bench infront of your house or garden, make it public for a day and offer appel pie, coffee, sing a song or chat to one another this Sunday. If you prefer not to host a bench, you can enjoy visiting other benches in the neighborhood. The owners of the (adopted) benches choose what time they open and what they want to offer. (this could be a dancing lesson for example) Will you miss this months event? No need to worry as they will host another one in September to close off the season. Find out where the participating benches are on the website www.bankjescollectief.nl/en
Het Hoofdgerecht (The Main Course)
When? 9th – 12th of June, Het Stenen Hoofd
What? Food, beer, music, acts and free entree! Facebook
They celebrate their 5th edition so expect a lot of food and games! Music, magicians, carousels, live table football and more craziness.
Bachus Wine Festival
When? 9th – 12th of June and 17th – 19th of June, Amsterdamse Bos
What? Wine and more
If you love wine, you have to be here. Fine wine, easy to drink wine, all sorts of wine at this festival! There will be music from bands and cool DJ’s such as Emanuelle Vos (hot!), SHMLS, Elias Mazian and many more. And a plus: entree is totally free this year! www.bacchuswijnfestival.nl
Roest big birthday party
When? 17th of June, Roest (Amsterdam East) 2pm – 5am
What? Celebrating 5 years of Roest
It’s been 5 years since Roest started hosting Sunday markets, music performances, clubnights and their infamous Sunday Roasts. Time for a party! There will be a line up of DJ’s that have played at Roest many times and the party will last until 5am! www.amsterdamroest.stager.nl
The Art of Banksy
When? 18th of June until 30th of Sept, Beurs van Berlage
What? Work from the legendary street artist Banksy
There will be around 85 art pieces on display at this exposition of street artist Banksy. You can see canvas, paintings, sculptures and installations. Get your tickets here. www.theartofbanksy.amsterdam
Banksy; Addressing daily issues
Mid Summer Night at Pllek
When? 21st of June, Amsterdam North
What? Celebrating the longest summer day and night
Pllek in North Amsterdam will host a special mid summer night dinner for 200 guest and you can be one of them! The fun starts at 6.30pm and you need to get a ticket to get in. They invite free spirits, joyfull and openhearted people to celebrate this special evening along with a campfire to close the night. Tickets are available here and include dinner.
Pop-Up Picknick at the Park
When? 23rd of June, Amsterdam Vondelpark
What? The ultimate picknick in the park!
2 foodbloggers (Amsterspots & Culi-Amsterdam) that organize a picknick in Amsterdam has to be good news! All you need to do is to get yourself a picknick basket for 49,95 euro’s for 2 people. Pick your basket up at the Vondelpark where everybody will be to join the fun. If the weather fails they have a plan B so don’t you worry! Meet new people and enjoy food from salads, Paella, Sushi, Snacks, goodies, royal sandwiches and more. For tickets go here
*This calendar will be updated regularly so keep an eye out!
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