15 Dec Amsterdam will open Europe’s first Avocado Bar » The Avocado Show
In New York is already a big hit, Avocado Bars. The first one will open soon and there is no reason for Amsterdam to stay behind. Entrepreneur Ron Simpson, Julian Zaal and chef Jamie van Heije are opening The Avocado Show in trendy area De Pijp in Amsterdam.
It will be Europe’s first Avocado Bar and you can bet on it that it’s going to be a hit. The avocado has been an ongoing trend on social media for a few years now. Apple even treated it’s users with an avocado emoticon this week and it’s a healthy nutritious food source our bodies love. One study looked at the dietary habits and health of people who eat avocados. Avocado consumers were found to be much healthier than people who didn’t eat avocados. Damn, this is good news! You can find the avocado in all sorts of variations nowadays; you have Avocado burgers, fried Avocado, smoothies, salads and let’s not forget about the smashed Avocado on toast. (winner!)
Salads, smoothies and more. The Avocado Show has it all Photo Source
The Avocado Show will serve breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner (including late night) and of course you will be able to order online. We’re excited about this one so stay tuned for the opening in February because we’ll be the first to tell you!
Follow The Avocado Show on Facebook for updates.
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