18 Dec Bye Bye Unwanted Hormones, We Tested The Ladycomp
When you are a young woman growing up, one of the first things you learn about is anti-contraceptives. When you start to be sexually active, you are told to protect yourself agains unwanted pregnancy. Very good, of course. But what the hell are we actually putting into our bodies? Elke tested the Ladycomp, a tiny computer that’s going to save you from unwanted hormones and discomfort.
Let’s start by saying that there are many options out there to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy; The Pill, The Spiral(s), The Nuva Ring, The Condom. Most of these offer something that is uncomfortable and gives your body unwanted extra hormones. Truth be told, I was fed up with it and taking these extra hormones wasn’t an option for me anymore. I felt tired, bloated and stopped using birth control pills. A few years ago I heard about The Ladycomp but didn’t dig into it until now.
Side affects from birth control pills Source
What is the Ladycomp?
It’s a small round shaped computer that fit’s into your pocket, that you can take everywhere. It does several things but the most important thing it does, it measuring your body’s temperature. Not like thermometer that you use to check if you have a fever, no this little computer does it so precise that it knows exactly when you are ovulating or not. It basically calculates your fertility status in less than a minute per day with 99,3 precent reliability. Pretty damn save if you ask me! I needed to test this, obviously.
My first 3 months using the Ladycomp
I received the Ladycomp basic but there are 5 different computers available so check on the website which suits your needs the most. You start using the Ladycomp by charging the batteries and entering the right date and time. Ok, that was simple. Now you need to enter the dates of the start of your menstruating cycle (if you remember the exact date) and you can do this as far back as 3 months. Now, this is where I got totally confused. I had the instructions booklet where it tells you what to do but somehow I didn’t manage to do it right. And because it only works if you do it right, I needed to call the helpdesk to guide me through it, just to be sure. With all the little options in the menu, it can look quite overwhelming at first so I advise you to read the instructions a few times. The Ladycomp needs a couple of months to get to know your body. The more period dates you have entered, the quicker it learns. I remembered my last 2, so I hoped this would speed up the process.
Red means: hold up, no unsafe sex! Unless you want a baby of course..
How to Use It
Measuring your temperature is the simplest thing. When you wake up in the morning, you grab the Ladycomp (leave it next to your bed), you grab the little thermometer attached to the Ladycomp and put it underneath your tongue for about 30 – 60 seconds until you hear a beep. You will now see a red, orange or green button which tells you if you are fertile or not. Red means: hold up, no unsafe sex! (unless you want a baby), Green means: Put on something sexy and go for it girl! Orange means: hmm, not sure, better safe than sorrow so use protection.
Wait For The Green Light
I was surprised to see a green light after only 2-3 weeks but I was too scared to take the leap of faith so early on. It’s still a computer you need to put your trust in, so I guess I needed some more time. After a few days green, it popped back to red n it has stayed red or orange for the rest of the month. When you are about to menstruate, you will see a blinking M. If you are not yet bleeding, just ignore the blinking M. If you started to menstruate, confirm M for at least 3 days in a row. Around the 10th of each new month, I got a green light, also in my third month so the Ladycomp must know my body a little bit right? I listened and so far so good! No unwanted pregnancy and I’m feeling good about this new way of protecting myself.
Compact & Easy to Bring
The Ladycomp is very small in size and fit’s into your toiletry-bag, no problem! If you travel a lot, this is a must because you don’t want to carry too much weight with you. When you buy it, it comes with a colourful cover to keep it save.
When you order, you receive this cover so it’s easy to bring
Are you ready for a change in anti-contraceptive? For more detailed info and prices visit the Ladycomp Website.
Posted at 14:36h, 18 DecemberHi!
Fijne korte uitleg! welke heb je? de advanced of gewone? Weet nog steeds niet waar ik goed aan doe.
Posted at 15:18h, 18 DecemberIk heb de gewone, ben er tot nu toe heel blij mee!
Posted at 07:06h, 20 DecemberHi!
Fijn deze blog! Maakt toch wel heel nieuwsgierig of het misschien wat voor me is.
Wel vroeg ik me nog af, hoe gaat dat met tijden en meten? Ik dacht te horen dat je dat iedere dag op hetzelfde tijdstip moet doen? En wanneer moet je precies meten? Als je net (5 minuten) wakker bent, of als je er bijna uitgaat? Wat als je tussentijds nog even blijft liggen? Hoe gaat dat als je net verhit wakker wordt uit een beroerde droom?
En qua schoonmaken, hoe gaat dat?