Beste landen om te wonen, volgens de expats


Expats are everywhere nowadays. Businesses expand abroad more than ever and like to bring in clever, hardworking foreigners who seek adventure and a change of scene. Expat Insider did some extensive research and looked at several topics such as; Quality of Life, easy to settle, personal finance, family life, cost of living etc.

We also did some research ourselves by asking around in several Expat groups on Facebook, and these are the combined results! These are the top 10 countries to live in according to Expats around the world.

10. Oman – great country to live as an expat

This country may not come to mind immediately, but according to many expats around the world, it’s a good place to live. Oman is a safe country with a low crime rate, so it’s a particularly good environment to raise young children. Accommodation is usually included within an employment contract, which is also a big plus. Downside; it can be very very hot, so hard to move around. Curious about Oman? Check our full Oman Travel Guide here!


9. New Zealand

If you scoop around the internet, you see mixed results for New Zealand, and sometimes you don’t even find it in the top ten anymore, but we did a little of research on our own and discovered that many of you actually enjoy working in New Zealand. Yes, it’s expensive, but wages are good, the quality of life is (stunning nature for one!), and friendly people.

Expat Syndrome’ is a condition whereby many expatriates see mostly either the best of their own nationality and the worst of the locals, or see the opposite.

8. Netherlands (Amsterdam)

Everybody speaks English, there is a comfortable way of living and settling in is (fairly) easy. Those were some of the reasons why Amsterdam made it to the top ten. Downside; The Netherlands has one of the highest tax rates of Europe, but on the flipside, The country has also been ranked as one of the places where people are the happiest. However, check these 9 things you need to know about Amsterdam before visiting.

Amsterdam, still popular with expats

7. Costa Rica

It’s sunny, the people are friendly and life is easy according to expats around the world. Costa Rica is popular amongst expats, but they didn’t make it further up the list because they didn’t score very high when it comes to personal finance. If you live there it’s fine, but is it a place to make future plans? Many expats didn’t think so.

Costa Rica
We can see why people like Costa Rica

6. Denmark

No surprise that yet another Scandinavian country tops off a good-place-to-live list. Expats voted Denmark in the top three last year, and after talking to several expats, we’ve been told that things are pretty well arranged over there. 

5. Czech Republic (Prague)

Surprisingly, Prague scored poorly on settling in (such as making new friends, speaking the language), but scored really high on work-living and urban-living. Prague seems to be a great place to make a career, or at least use it as a stepping stone.

Bahrainis are very friendly and welcoming. Everyone speaks English.

Pretty Prague is doing pretty well

4. Mexico

It’s funny, because we keep hearing more and more people in our direct circle of friends, talking about moving to Mexico. Why? More than half of the people asked, give friendliness of locals highest rating. Cancún is the most popular city to live in, with Playa del Carmen and Tulum close behind. Mexico may not be the safest place, so people tend to be extra careful.

3. Ecuador

Surprise surprise, this country made a huuuuge comeback. We did hear that Equador was doing well a few years back, but dropped back in the list. Four out of five expats say that there is a good financial balance and that the way of living is good. (I’m sure the good weather also helps)

Pink walls in Ecuador

My favorite place to work and live would be on the Moon, coz humans are the worst living parasites. -Unknown Expat

2. Taiwan

Coming in at number 2 is Taiwan! Most expats asked, rated this country as having good healthcare, job security and quality of life.

Taiwan City
Taiwan from Elephant Mountain

Joined 1st. Bahrain & Switzerland

A few years ago Bahrain was a clear winner but this year Switzerland has made a name for itself! In case you don’t have a clue; Bahrain is located just above Quatar and part of the Arabian Gulf. It’s capital, Manama, scores really good on urban work life. The city shows generally good results in both the Job & Career and the Work-Life Balance subcategories of Expat Insider. It’s also a popular place to live for expat families.

However, Switzerland pays excellent wages (they should do because Switzerland is one of the most expensive countries to live in). But they also offer clean air, nature and quality of life. Zurich is topping the list as the most popular city.

Train Lauterbrunnen Switzerland

So there you have it, the Expat top 10! What’s your favourite place to work and live?



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1 Comment
  • Sonia
    Posted at 08:33h, 29 September Reply

    I work and live in Bahrain. With rising taxes imminent I can assure you it’s not the best for expats. Most expats who do well here often work in Saudi across the border and are paid way over that of Bahraini salaries. So if you’re thinking of moving here for the money… demand more from your employer or seek employment in Saudi and move to Bahrain. Just some insight from an expat resident.

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