Which countries can we visit summer 2021


Back in summer it was announced that some travel restrictions were being lifted. However, the last few weeks the Omicron variant has showed an increase of Covid infections across Europe and the rest of the world. What does this mean for your favourite travel destinations?

The strict advise not to travel anywhere unless absolutely necessary, had expired and will be replaced from mid-May by a travel advice that is individually set per country. This means we must carefully check which Covid rules apply in which country.

wandering the streets of Portugal

Coloured Covid Map

This all depends on the colour code. Yellow means you can visit but you must always follow the rules the country makes. If a country has an orange code, rules are much more strict, flight may be cancelled and you probably need to go into quarantine before entering. Also important to remember is that when you are planning a roadtrip, you may need to cross a country that has an orange or red colour code. This means you need to carefully plan your trip and things may change at the last moment.

Besides all the fuss, the travel industry was happy about the positive changes, but things keep changing. At the first of July, a new press conference is planned with hopefully more positive news!

Portugal Algarve

So which countries can we travel to this summer?

Currently, most countries in Europe are still coloured orange but more than 12 countries have changed to yellow after the 15th of May. Here are some of our favourite holiday destinations you should be able to visit this summer;

Greece: You should be able to visit Greece with a negative test result of prove of vaccination but there is no more need to go into quarantine upon arrival. Cyprus is orange at the moment and you can only enter indoor buildings like restaurants, cafes and museums if you are fully vaccinated. From December 13th, Covid – 19 recovery certificates will be valid for a period of three months (90 days) and not six months (180 days) which applied until now. If the three-month period has expired, then individuals will be subject to the rules for the unvaccinated. Unvaccinated individuals must present a negative PCR or rapid test result to enter banks, public services, restaurants, cafes, bars and entertainment venues out more about the latest rules. As for the Greek islands; the Ionian Islands are now safe enough to travel to! 

Spain: Unfortunately, Spain has turned orange completely.. All travellers arriving from high-risk areas by air or sea transport are subject to the requirement for a pre-departure negative COVID-19 test. The same requirement is required from travellers crossing the land border between France and Spain. For the Dutch and most European countries, Mallorca, Ibiza and Formentera are currently coloured orange..

Italy: Even though most of Italy has returned to code yellow, rules apply if you are coming from another EU country. All persons travelling to Italy from any foreign location are required to provide a self-declaration to the carrier. However, Italy is looking forward to welcome back tourists with the basic rules such as wearing a mask, sanitising your hands and keeping distanced from others.

Switzerland: Right now Swiss is still orange. All travellers arriving by air, as well as all travellers entering by bus/rail/car who have stayed in a country with an increased risk of infection in the 10 days before entering Switzerland, are subject to the requirement for a pre-departure negative PCR test. That being said, Switzerland is currently being very strict with people coming from high risk countries, The Netherlands being one of them. For more info, check this website.

The Giant Swing Adelboden
Swinging into Switzerland like..

France: Right now, strict rules apply for people coming from the Netherlands and the rest of Europe. Besides a negative test result, you must also go into quarantine. 

Portugal: For travellers, Portugal isn’t a very attractive holiday destination at the moment as its coloured orange.

Germany: You can only enter Germany with a negative test result no older than 48 hours. Rules apply and the Covid passport will most likely help your entree. If you travel by car, you don’t need to show anything, for now..

Curaçao, Aruba, Bonaire: During the pandemic we travelled to Curaçao to check what it was like, what the rules were and if it was relaxed. We can say it is! Here’s our full Curaçao Guide!

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Thailand: Holy Moly, this is such great news for the Dutch! We personally Love Asia so we can’t wait. However, you must go into quarantine after entering so this would only be good if you have at least 3 to 4 weeks.

Mexico: Strangely enough, we can visit Mexico without many restrictions. You must have some documents but that’s it. Tulum anyone?

Covid Passport

Add the approval of the European Parliament and the Commission to achieve an ‘EU Covid-19 certificate’ for travellers. In this so called certificate, it’s shown if you have been vaccinated or had a recent negative test result. It is being said that this will most likely be finalised in June or latest in August. Visit this website to stay updated about current developments about travelling during Covid.

With new travel opportunities, check out our book Off the Beaten Track and start making those dreams into real travel plans!

Off the Beaten Track by Wander-Lust



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  • Anne
    Posted at 15:46h, 27 July Reply

    Thanks for the advice❤️ My husband and I plan to go to Greece in September. We hope everything will be fine)

    • Wander-lust
      Posted at 11:13h, 01 August Reply

      We just came back from Greece, all good!

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