04 Jun 4x Healthy and Easy to Prepare Breakfast Recipes
A healthy breakfast is nutritious as it feeds you with essential minerals, vitamins and fibers for optimal health. Your breakfast also sets the tone for the rest of the day. If you eat a healthy breakfast, your blood sugar will remain stable and it will be easier to stay away from chips, cookies and other unhealthy snacks in the afternoon.
Below you will find 5 healthy and easy-to-prepare breakfast recipes that help you lose weight, get more energy and start your day healthy. Let’s get rid of those gained quarantine pounds!
1. Healthy pancakes
• 4 tablespoons of greek yoghurt
• 1 banana
• 1 egg
• 30 ml of milk
• 4 tablespoons of oatmeal
• Fruit of your choice
How to prepare it?
• Put the banana in a bowl and mash with a fork.
• Add the milk and egg and mix until it looks smooth.
• Stir the muesli into the mixture.
• Heat a tiny bit of oil in a frying pan and scoop some of your mixture in the pan. Bake for 3 minutes, turn over and bake for another 3 minutes. Repeat until your mixture is finished.
• Serve your pancakes on a plate and put the Greek yogurt on top. Finally, decorate with your favourite fruit (cut).
Also, find out how to create your homemade granola!
2. Toast with egg and Avocado
• 2 slices of spelt bread
• 1 avocado
• 2 eggs
• 1 hand of arugula
• 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
• Pepper and salt
How to prepare it?
• Boil the eggs for 4 minutes.
• Take two slices of bread and lightly brush both sides with olive oil and then grill them on both sides in a pan until they are golden brown and crispy.
• Spoon the pulp out of the avocado and cut into pieces.
• Put the avocado on the grilled sandwiches and sprinkle a little bit of lemon juice over it.
• Cut your boiled egg and put on top of the sandwich.
• Add pepper and salt and finally spread some arugula over it.
3. Green energy smoothie
• 1 banana
• 1 kiwi
• 30 grams of kale
• 1 table spoon of chia seeds
How to prepare the Green Energy Smoothie:
• Remove the peel from the banana and kiwi.
• Put all ingredients in a blender.
• Add 200 ml of water and blend until it’s all smooth.
• Add extra water if necessary (until the smoothie has the right texture).
4. Overnight oats with fruit
• 50 gr oatmeal
• 250 ml of almond milk
• Pinch of cinnamon
• Few blueberries
• 3 walnuts
How to prepare overnight Oats?
• Take a glass jar or cup and mix the oatmeal together with almond milk.
• Stir well and leave the mixture in the fridge overnight.
• The next morning, add a few blueberries, walnut and a pinch of cinnamon.
Jackie Bultje
Posted at 11:07h, 24 AprilI love your blog, especially the travel ideas but also these simple food ideas. Thanks from a Canadian whose heart is in Holland.