Instagram museums are hot. We know this because in the last two years we’ve seen the likes of Wondr and The Upside Down in Amsterdam. However, for those not living near the Dutch capital, this new pop-up museum brings colour to the South of the Netherlands.
With a space of 2000 square meters, Likeland opens its doors from 11th of December until March 2021. It welcomes you to a world full of colour, fantasy and feel-good experiences.
Everyone needs a bit of colour and feel good vibes at the moment.
Likeland; more than an Instagram Museum
Likeland calls itself, among other things, an Instagram museum… but apparently it is much more than that. The new pop-up museum is best described as an interactive mecca for the real social media junkie. A modern playground with various sceneries, in which you as a visitor create your own story. The only real limit is that of your own imagination.
Likeland responds to the popularity of social media and offers an over-the-top styled environment, where you as a visitor are the work of art. You will be inspired to unleash your creativity on everything around you. Basically, Likeland is a stage to shoot the best pictures and videos in your best outfits. Because the museum has 50 different photo opportunities! Perfect for those that are in need of some social content for the next six months! Besides this, it’s also a fun distraction, especially for young people that are fed up with staying at home.
The alternative to festivals?
The people behind Likeland, First Vision, is known from the events and festival world. After the cancelation of many festivals this year, owner Jochem van Pelt decided to use his creativity in a different way. “It is a difficult period for the events industry, but standing still is no option”.
With a space at its disposal in Best (in the South of Holland) and the need to also offer activities during the winter, Likeland will hopefully bring some colour in the next coming months!
Ekkersweijer 7
Best, Netherlands
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