Travel after the pandemic, adventure and relaxation


It’s the time all travellers have been waiting for. After the pandemic (and the end is hopefully in sight), it’s time to make those long postponed travel plans. IcelandAir conducted a research where Dutch travellers were asked about their travel desires after the pandemic.

Surprisingly, the younger generation – between the ages of 18 and 34 – is most looking forward to an intercontinental trip. In fact, 76 percent of them indicate that they will most likely immediately book a long-distance trip as soon as the corona crisis is over.

Adventure & Wellness

More than half of the Dutch indicate that they are (very) likely to book an intercontinental flight. With travel starting to make a comeback, we can’t wait to book our ticket as soon as the corona crisis is over. Strikingly, a whopping 76 percent of the younger generation – ages 18 to 34 – are most eager for such a long journey. Wether you pick Asia or North America, people can’t wait to see and feel another culture.  Also, people are mainly looking forward to a relaxing holiday at the beach (26%). Needless to say that a city trip (15%) or an adventurous trip (12%) is on the cards. This makes it clear that the Netherlands is ready for relaxation and adventure after this difficult time. 

Travel after the pandemic, kayak adventure

A stopover as a way to discover new places

Despite the fact that the reputation and sustainability of an airline are very important to those questioned, the ticket price is still the most important. And even though we prefer to fly direct (85%), we don’t seem to mind booking an indirect flight with overnight stay with the same airline. Actually, people consider such a stopover with overnight stay as two holidays combined! For example, with Iceland as a cool stop-over destination on your way to New York, it’s a very attractive way of traveling. That being said, a direct flight is often more expensive, so you are most likely to save money with a stop-over, depending how much you’ll spend at the location. Icelandic Air offers such flights, where you can easily include a stopover.

Aldeyjarfoss, North Iceland
Northern Iceland, off the beaten track!

So are you thinking about a stopover in Iceland? Follow our inside tip and travel around for a few days and discover Northern Island!



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