Travel trends 2016

This year travel is all about exploring, solo travel, going green, digital travel and wanderlust. Some of this years travel trends really stood out for me and these are definitely worth highlighting.

“What will be the travel trends of 2016?”

Digital Nomads
Travel has changed a lot since 10 years ago and one of the reasons has to do with the digital age we are living in today. We can’t leave without our camera’s, wifi and travel gadgets. Some cool stuff mentioned by Cherrypicker’s Tessa was Camera Restricta. This is an app that blocks your phone camera if you’re about to shoot a boring picture that everybody makes. (think tower of Pisa, Eiffel-tower etc) Polarsteps (mentioned by us before) is an app where you can document your trip with photo’s and journals. Selfies are still popular than ever and we love to brag with our holiday pics while our family & friends are stuck in the rain back home (yes, we are guilty as charged!)

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Travel selfies are still hot

Travel green
we all know that traveling can be very harmful to this planet. But one of this years big travel trends is to go green(er).
Companies like Airbnb are collaborating with Tesla where they are working toward building a world with no limits to how far you can go while driving an electric car. You can now buy tents or even backpacks which are solar chargeable like the Voltaicsystems. We are all for this new green evolution!


Solo Travel..or not?

Nowadays we are independent, strong and not afraid to take that leap and go on a solo travel adventure. We meet new people, get closer to the locals and there are plenty of things that make this easier. More and more websites let you crowdfund your own adventure while Trade Your Trip is like marketplace to sell your holiday if you can’t go anymore (due to illness for example). Don’t like the basic airplane food? You can now pre order your food with Airgrub and get it delivered at the airport before you get in the plane. Say goodbye to tasteless airplane food! Meeting new people has also become a lot easier with apps like Penroads and Tripr where you can find a travel buddy in no time. Want to know the newest gadget for getting very close to fellow travelers? Check out this idea that connect your tent with another one! No more sleeping alone..

Traveling solo?

travel trends
Or find a travel buddy?

Some other travel trends we liked:

I love the concept Poshstels. These are hostels but with a touch of luxury. TerraVelo Tours arrange the best glamping tours while Hipcamp makes camping so cool and true nomads would love to camp at the area’s they offer on the website. Or maybe you want to stay at Der Azawad Camp in Morocco? (only accessible by camel!)
The city of Brussels came up with a brilliant concept named Call Brussels, where you could call a number and the phone would be picked up by a complete stranger walking past the phones that were placed throughout the city. To see the video’s and people’s reactions, check their website in 4 days from now.

Poshtels are the best new thing for budget travelers! Source: casa gracia barcelona

travel trend camping
Camping belongs to this years travel trends. Photo by Ezekiel Gonzalez

So whichever travel trends you may choose, we wish you lot’s of happy adventures in 2016!



More travel tips? Check below:

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1 Comment
  • Tom
    Posted at 15:33h, 18 January Reply

    And which trend will last until 2017 you think? 😉

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