Turbulence explained in less then 2 minutes

If you are a little worried about flying or if you’re a lot worried about flying (like me), this video might calm your nerves a bit.

The video, posted by Travel & Leisure, explains what turbulence is an why you shouldn’t be worried at all. There are a few things you should remember when you’re experiencing turbulence.

  • It’s completely normal
  • The pilots are ready for it
  • The plane is designed to handle it


Get ready for another fact that will make you want to watch this video a few times; As the planet heats up due to global warming, some scientists believe that turbulence will become more common and stronger. They recon up to 40{8b669be72a7f340f9ef2d6d852585cd40ddf0e79ccf763f3ea93c1234c3d888b} to 170{8b669be72a7f340f9ef2d6d852585cd40ddf0e79ccf763f3ea93c1234c3d888b} worse as it currently is. Yeah, just watch the video:

Another tip someone gave me is, that turbulence is like a car driving on a bumpy sandy road. When you’re in a car, that road doesn’t make you wanna get out either. Kinda makes sense right? So next time you step in a plane, you might sit a bit more comfortable and who knew, it’s like gelatine!



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  • Anamaria
    Posted at 11:17h, 06 January Reply

    Nice explanation 🙂

  • Frederique
    Posted at 10:40h, 07 January Reply

    Ja had het er ooit met een stewardess over en die vergeleek turbulentie met het schommelen van een boot op golven. Ik ben namelijk helemaal niet bang voor boten maar wel voor vliegen en dat vond ze niet logisch haha. Goed filmpje!

    • Wander-lust
      Posted at 21:59h, 08 January Reply

      Ook een goeie inderdaad!

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